This index lists all books in the bibliography, alphabetically by author. The entries ending with * only have the data on this page, with a link to a page listing all the books that do not yet have detailed entries.
Those entries ending with - a are academic dissertations, and the links for these entries go to a page which lists all such works together.
Each of the other books (with no ending symbol) links to its own page giving many more details about the book.
If you are unable to locate the book you're looking for in this bibliography, you might try looking in one of the online library catalogues.
- Aaseng, Nathan: Bob Dylan: Spellbinding Songwriter
- Abrahams, Peter: Hard Rain *
- Alyn, Glen: I Say Me For a Parable: The Oral Autobiography of Mance Lipscomb, Texas Bluesman *
- Amburn, Ellis: Dark Star: The Tragic Story of Roy Orbison *
- Amendt, Gunter: Reunion Sundown *
- Anderson, Dennis: The Hollow Horn: Bob Dylan's Reception in the United States and Germany
- Anson, Robert Sam: Gone Crazy and Back Again: The Rise and Fall of the Rolling Stone Generation *
- Appleby, Amy: The Harp Styles of Bob Dylan *
- Auschlag, Hermann: Small Talk
- Baez, Joan: And a Voice to Sing With
- Baez, Joan: Daybreak *
- Balfour, Victoria: Rock Wives: The Hard Lives and Good Times of the Wives, Girlfriends, and Groupies of Rock and Roll
- Ball, Carolyn Denise: Bob Dylan: Contemporary Minstrel - a
- Barth, Mitch: Positively Dylan: The Complete Bob Dylan Discography *
- Bauldie, John: Bob Dylan & Desire
- Bauldie, John: Diary of a Bobcat *
- Bauldie, John: The Ghost of Electricity: Bob Dylan's 1966 World Tour
- Bauldie, John: Positively Tie Dream and Other Assorted Interviews and Tall Tales *
- Bauldie, John: Wanted Man: In Search of Bob Dylan
- Beal, Kathleen: Bob Dylan
- Begerau, Ernest-Otto: Every Grain of Sand: Performances & Tapes *
- Beggs, Karen: Bob Dylan *
- Belz, Carl: The Story of Rock *
- Berkenstadt, Jim & Belmo: Black Market Beatles: The Story Behind the Lost Recordings *
- Bernstein, Fred A: The Jewish Mother's Hall of Fame *
- Bicker, Stewart: Friends & Other Strangers: Bob Dylan in Other People's Words *
- Bicker, Stewart B: Red Rose and the Briar
- Bicker, Stewart: Talkin' Bob Dylan 1984 & 1985: Some Educated Rap *
- Biel, Steven: Down With the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster *
- Bishop, Michael: Close Encounters with the Deity
- Blank, Mitch: Outside the Law: The Story of the Hurricane *
- Bliss, Carolyn Jane: Younger Now: Bob Dylan's Changing World and Vision - a
- Blumenstein, Gottfried: Mr. Tambourine Man: Leben und Musik von Bob Dylan *
- Boni, Claude-Angele: Stuck Inside of Mobile: With a Rhapsody for Bob Dylan *
- Bonn, Carl: Hibbings Vignettes *
- Botts, Linda: Loose Talk: The Book of Quotes From the Pages of Rolling Stone Magazine *
- Bowden, Betsy: Performed Literature: Words and Music by Bob Dylan, 1982
- Bowden, Elizabeth Ann: Performed Literature: Words and Music by Bob Dylan, 1978 - a
- Bowen, Phil: Jewels & Binoculars
- Boyd, Doug: Rolling Thunder *
- Bradshaw, Steve: Cafe Society; Bohemian Life from Swift to Bob Dylan
- Breskin, David: We Are the World
- Brinkley, Douglas: The Majic Bus: An American Odyssey *
- Bruchal, Joseph: The Poetry of Pop *
- Buchanan, Scott: Rock 'n' Roll: The Famous Lyrics
- Cable, Paul: Bob Dylan, His Unreleased Recordings, UK
- Cable, Paul: Bob Dylan, His Unreleased Recordings, US
- Cantwell, Robert: When We Were Good: The Folk Revival *
- Carter, Mark: A Book that Nobody Can Write: The Life and Times of Bob Dylan, Vol 1 *
- Cartwright, Bert: The Bible in the Lyrics of Bob Dylan
- Cartwright, Bert: Bob Dylan in Print: The Bert Cartwright Collection *
- Cesar, Ligia Vieira: Poesia e Politica nas Cancoes de Bob Dylan e Chico Buarque
- Charpentier, Renaldo: Bob Dylan: Drei Interviews 1977/78 *
- Charters, Ann: The Portable Beat Reader
- Christgau, Robert: Any Old Way You Choose It *
- Christgau, Robert: Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the '70s *
- Clayson, Alan: The Best of Rock: The Essential CD Guide *
- Coker, Jerry: Concise Synopsis of Bob Dylan
- Collins, Judy: Trust Your Heart
- Cooper, B. Lee: Images of American Society in Popular Music: A Guide to Reflective Teaching *
- Cooper, Chris: The Circus is in Town
- Cott, Jonathan: Dylan
- Cott, Jonathan: Isis and Osiris: Exploring the Goddess Myth *
- Cott, Jonathan: Visions and Voices *
- Cruickshank, Ben: Blottingpaper Man *
- Cruickshank, Ben: Man In a Long Black Coat *
- Curtis, Jim: Rock Eras: Interpretations of Music and Society, 1954-1984 *
- Cusic, Don: Hank Williams: The Complete Lyrics *
- Cusic, Don: The Poet as Performer - a
- Dachs, David: American Pop *
- Damsker, Matt: Rock Voices: The Best Lyrics of an Era
- Davis, Clive: Clive: Inside the Record Business
- Day, Aidan: Escaping on the Run: Wanted Man Study Series 3
- Day, Aidan: Jokerman: Reading the Lyrics of Bob Dylan
- Denisoff, R. Serge: Great Day Coming: Folk Music and the American Left
- Denselow, Robin: When the Music's Over *
- Dergoth, Jonas: Concise Synopsis of Bob Dylan's Masterpiece *
- DeTurk, David A & Poulin, A. Jr: The American Folk Scene: Dimensions of the Folksong Revival *
- Dick, Arthur: The Complete Guitar Player: Bob Dylan Songbook
- Diddle, Gavin: Images and Assorted Facts
- Diddle, Gavin: Talkin' Bob Dylan: 1978 *
- Dierks, Barbara & Angela: It Ain't Me, Babe: Impressions of the European Tour '84 *
- Divine Laboratories: The Little Black Leather Book of Rock 'n' Roll *
- Dorman, James E: Recorded Dylan: A Critical Review and Discography
- Dowley, Tim: Bob Dylan: From a Hard Rain to a Slow Train
- Draper, Robert: Rolling Stone Magazine: The Uncensored History
- Dreau, Jean-Louis & Schlockoff, Robert: Hypnotist Collectors: An International Illustrated Discography
- Dreau, Jean-Louis & Schlockoff, Robert: Singles & EP's *
- Ducray, Francois, et al: Dylan *
- Dunaway, David King: How Can I Keep From Singing: Pete Seeger *
- Dundas, Glen: Tangled Up in Tapes: A Collector's Guide of the Tape Recordings of Bob Dylan, 1987
- Dundas, Glen: Tangled Up in Tapes: The Recordings of Bob Dylan, 1994
- Dundas, Glen: Tangled Up in Tapes Revisited, 1990 *
- Dunn, Tim: Dylandex *
- Dunn, Tim: I Just Write 'Em As They Come: An Annotated Guide to the Writings of Bob Dylan
- Dunn, Tim: Talkin' Bob Dylan: (1984) *
- Dunson, Josh: Freedom in the Air: Song Movements of the Sixties *
- Dutfoy, Serge et al: Rock Toons: A Cartoon History of the First 30 Years of Rock 'n' Roll *
- Dylan, Bob: Complete Works: Approximately *
- Dylan, Bob: Drawn Blank
- Dylan, Bob: Lyrics, 1962-1985
- Dylan, Bob: Poem to Joanie *
- Dylan, Bob: Some Other Kinds of Songs: I'm Not There *
- Dylan, Bob: Tarantula, 1970 *
- Dylan, Bob: Tarantula, 1971
- Dylan, Bob: Tarantula: poems,1994
- Dylan, Bob: Writings and Drawings, 1973
- Dylan, Bob: Writings and Drawings, 1974
- Eisen, Jonathan: The Age of Rock: Sounds of the American Cultural Revolution *
- Eisen, Jonathan: The Age of Rock 2: Sights and Sounds of the American Cultural Revolution
- Eisen, Jonathan: Twenty-Minute Fandangos And Forever Changes: A Rock Bazaar *
- Eliot, Marc: Death of a Rebel: A Biography of Phil Ochs
- Eliot, Marc: Down Thunder Road: The Making of Bruce Springsteen *
- Eliot, Marc: Rockonomics: The Money Behind the Music *
- Ellison, Mary: Extensions of the Blues *
- Ennis, Philip H: The Seventh Stream: The Emergence of Rocknroll in American Popular Music *
- Estrik, Robert van: Concerted Efforts: Bob Dylan
- Ewen, David: Great Men of American Popular Song, 1970
- Ewen, David: Great Men of American Popular Song, 1972
- Faithfull, Marianne: Faithfull: An Autobiography *
- Farina, Richard: Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me *
- Farina, Richard: Long time Coming and Long Time Gone
- Field, Kim: Harmonicas, Harps, and Heavy Breathers: The Evolution of the People's Instrument
- Filth, Dr: The Fiddler Now Upspoke: A Collection of Bob Dylan Interviews, Vol 1 *
- Filth, Dr: The Fiddler Now Upspoke: A Collection of Bob Dylan Interviews, Vol 2 *
- Fiori, Umberto: Joe Hill, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan: storia della canzone popolare in USA
- Flanagan, Bill: Written in My Soul: Rock's Great Songwriters Talk About Creating their Music
- Fletcher, Alan & Litchfield, Robert: How Many Roads? A Bob Dylan Quiz Book *
- Fong-Torres, Ben: Knockin' on Dylan's Door
- Fong-Torres, Ben: The Rolling Stone Rock 'n Roll Reader *
- Fong-Torres, Ben: What's That Sound: The Contemporary Music Scene From the Pages of Rolling Stone *
- Formento, Dan: Rock Chronicle: A 365 Day-by-Day Journal of Significant Events in Rock History *
- Fowlie, Wallace: Rimbaud and Jim Morrison: The Rebel as Poet *
- Friedlander, Paul: Rock and Roll: A Social History *
- Friedman, Kinky: Elvis, Jesus & Coca-Cola *
- Gambaccini, Paul: Rock Critics' Choice: The Top 200 Albums *
- Gamble, Mel: Outside the Law
- Gans, Terry: What is Real and What is Not
- Gant, Sandy: A Discography of Bob Dylan *
- Garrett, B: My Back Pages *
- Garza, Hedda: Joan Baez: Hispanics of Achievement *
- Gelb, Jeff: Shock Rock *
- Gilbert, Joel S: The Acoustic Bob Dylan: His Music Styles and Guitar Techniques *
- Ginsberg, Allen: Howl *
- Gnarowski, Michael: Leonard Cohen: The Artist and His Critics *
- Goines, David Lance: The Free Speech Movement: Coming of Age in the 1960s *
- Goldstein, Richard: The Poetry of Rock
- Graham, Bill & Greenfield, Robert: Bill Graham Presents: My Life Inside Rock and Out *
- Gray, Michael: Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, UK 1972
- Gray, Michael: Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, US 1972
- Gray, Michael: Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, 1981
- Gray, Michael: All Across the Telegraph: A Bob Dylan Handbook
- Green, Jonathon: The Book of Rock Quotes *
- Gross, Michael: Bob Dylan: An Illustrated History
- Gross, Theodore: Representative Men: Cult Heroes of Our Time *
- Guilbert, Jean-Claude: Bob Dylan et La Beat Generation
- Guralnick, Peter: Feel Like Going Home: Portraits in Blues and Rock 'N' Roll *
- Guralnick, Peter: Searching for Robert Johnson *
- Guterman, Jimmy: The Best Rock 'n' Roll Records of All Time: A Fan's Guide to the Stuff You Love *
- Guthrie, Woody: Born to Win *
- Guthrie, Woody: Bound for Glory
- Guthrie, Woody: Pastures of Plenty: A Self-Portrait
- Guthrie, Woody: Woody Sez *
- Hall, Douglas Kent: Rock: A World Bold as Love *
- Hall, Douglas Kent & Clark, Sue C: The Superstars in Their Own Words *
- Hammel, William: The Popular Arts in America: A Reader *
- Hammond, John: John Hammond on Record: An Autobiography
- Hampton, Henry & Fayer, Steve: Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s through the 1980s *
- Hampton, Wayne: Guerrilla minstrels: John Lennon, Joe Hill, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan
- Harloff, Steven: Bob Dylan and the Culture of the Sixties - a
- Harrison, George: I Me Mine *
- Haver, Fritz Werner: Bob Dylans Surrealistische Songpoesie
- Heide, Robert & Gilman, John: Greenwich Village *
- Helm, Levon: This Wheel's on Fire: Levon Helm and the Story of the Band
- Hemphill, Paul: The Nashville Sound: Bright Lights and Country Music *
- Herbst, Peter: The Rolling Stone Interviews: Talking With the Legends of Rock & Roll, 1967-1980 *
- Herdman, John: Voice Without Restraint: A Study of Bob Dylan's Lyrics and their Background, UK
- Herdman, John: Voice Without Restraint: A Study of Bob Dylan's Lyrics and their Background, US
- Heylin, Clinton: Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades: A Biography, UK
- Heylin, Clinton: Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades: A Biography, US
- Heylin, Clinton: Bob Dylan: Day by Day
- Heylin, Clinton: Bob Dylan: The Recording Sessions 1960-1994
- Heylin, Clinton: Bob Dylan: Stolen Moments: The Ultimate Reference Book
- Heylin, Clinton: The Bob Dylan Interviews: A List *
- Heylin, Clinton: Bootleg: The Secret History of the Other Recording Industry
- Heylin, Clinton: The Great White Wonders: A History of Rock Bootlegs *
- Heylin, Clinton: More Rain Unravelled Tales *
- Heylin, Clinton: The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing
- Heylin, Clinton: Rain Unravelled Tales: A Rumourography
- Heylin, Clinton: Saved! The Gospel Speeches of Bob Dylan
- Heylin, Clinton: To Live Outside the Law: A Guide to Dylan Bootlegs
- Hickerson, Joseph Charles: Bob Dylan: A Select Bibliography
- Hinchley, John: Bob Dylan's Slow Train: Wanted Man Study Series 1
- Hinton, Brian: Nights in Wight Satin: An Illustrated History of the Isle of Wight Pop Festivals *
- Hoeck, Klaus: Dylan Forever *
- Hoggard, Stuart: Bob Dylan: An Illustrated Discography
- Hols, Lars: Bob Dylan in Sweden *
- Holt, Sid: The Rolling Stone Interviews: The 1980s *
- Hood, Phil: Artists of American Folk Music: The Legends of Traditional Folk, the Stars of the Sixties, the Virtuosi of New Acoustic Music
- Hoover, Will: Picks! The Colorful Saga of Vintage Celluloid Guitar Plectrums *
- Hopkins, Jerry: The Rock Story *
- Hoskyns, Barney: Across the Great Divide: The Band and America
- Hume, John: I've Been Shooting in the Dark Too Long *
- Humphries, Patrick: Absolutely Dylan
- Humphries, Patrick: The Complete Guide to the Music of Bob Dylan *
- Humphries, Patrick: Oh No! Not Another Bob Dylan Book
- Icke, David: Unusual and Obscure *
- Jackson, Blair: Goin' Down the Road: A Grateful Dead Traveling Companion
- Jahn, Mike: Rock: From Elvis Presley to the Rolling Stones *
- Jansen, Gerhard: Pressing On
- Jansen, Gerhard: Shot of Love
- Jansen, Gerhard: Slow Train Coming
- Karpel, Craig: The Tarantula in Me: A Review of a Title
- Kay, Hilary: Rock & Roll Memorabilia: A History of Rock Mementos *
- Kelly, Linda: Deadheads: Stories from Fellow Artists, Friends, and Followers of the Grateful Dead *
- King, William E: Bob Dylan: The Artist in the Marketplace - a
- Kirschner, Allen: Blessed are the Peacemakers; [the voices of peace - from Isaiah to Bob Dylan]
- Klein, Joe: Woody Guthrie, A Life
- Knight, Arthur & Kit: The Beat Vision *
- Koheil, Susanne: Bob Dylans Hollywood - a
- Kooper, Al: Backstage Passes: Rock 'n' Roll Life in the Sixties *
- Kooper, Al: How Does It Feel: Adventures on Highway 61 *
- Kramer, Daniel: Bob Dylan, Citadel ed.
- Kramer, Daniel: Bob Dylan, Pocket Book ed.
- Kramer, Daniel: Bob Dylan: A Portrait of the Artist's Early Years
- Krogsgaard, Michael: Twenty Years of Recording: The Bob Dylan Referance Book
- Krogsgaard, Michael: Master of the Tracks: The Bob Dylan Referance Book
- Krogsgaard, Michael: Positively Bob Dylan: A Thirty-Year Discography, Concert & Recording Session Guide, 1960-1991
- Kuwahara, Yasue: The Promised Land: Images of America in Rock Music *
- Landy, Elliott: Woodstock Vision
- Landy, Elliott: Woodstock Vision: German ed. *
- Landy, Eugene: The Underground Dictionary *
- Lawlan, Val: Steppin' Out
- Ledbury, John: Mysteriously Saved
- Ledeen, Jenny: Prophecy in the Christian Era: has its own website - a
- Lee, C P: Like the Night: Bob Dylan and the Road to the Manchester Free Trade Hall
- Lee, Martin & Shlain, Bruce: Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties and Beyond *
- Le Guin, Ursula K: The Norton Book of Science Fiction, North American science fiction, 1960-1990
- Lesser, Wendy: Hiding in Plain Sight: Essays in Criticism and Autobiography
- Leyser, Brady J: Rock Stars/Pop Stars: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1955-1994 *
- Liff, Dennis R: Raging Glory
- Lindley, John: Seven Days
- Loder, Kurt: Bat Chain Puller: Rock & Roll in the Age of Celebrity *
- Look Back editors: A Million Faces at My Feet: 1986 True Confession Tour *
- Loren, Todd S. et al: Rock 'n' Roll Comics: Bob Dylan, Issues 50-52 *
- Marcus, Greil: The Dustbin of History *
- Marcus, Greil: Mystery Train *
- Marks, J: Rock and Other Four Letter Words *
- Marsh, Dave: Fortunate Son: Criticism and Journalism by America's Best-Known Rock Writer *
- Marsh, Dave: Glory Days: Bruce Springsteen in the 1980s *
- Marsh, Dave: The Heart of Rock & Soul: The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made *
- Marsh, Dave & Bernard, James: The New Book of Rock Lists *
- Marsh, Keith Charles: DylanBase: A Comprehensive Discography Software Program
- Martin, Linda & Segrave, Kerry: Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock 'n' Roll *
- Maycock, Stephen: Miller's Rock & Pop Memorabilia *
- McCaffrey, Anne: The Ship Who Sang
- McGregor, Craig: Bob Dylan; a Retrospective, 1972
- McGregor, Craig: Bob Dylan; a Retrospective, 1973
- McGregor, Craig: Bob Dylan: The Early Years: a Retrospective, 1990
- McKeen, William: Bob Dylan: a Bio-bibliography
- McKenna, Rollie: Portrait of Dylan: a Photographer's Memoir
- McNally, Dennis: Desolate Angel: A Biography *
- Mellers, Wilfrid Howard: A Darker Shade of Pale: a Backdrop to Bob Dylan, Faber ed.
- Mellers, Wilfrid Howard: A Darker Shade of Pale: a Backdrop to Bob Dylan, Oxford ed.
- Meltzer, R: The Aesthetics of Rock *
- Michel, Steve: The Bob Dylan Concordance
- Miles, Barry: Bob Dylan
- Miles, Barry: Bob Dylan, In His Own Words
- Miles, Barry: Ginsberg, A Biography
- Miller, Jim: The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll *
- Miller, Michael: Hard Rain/Slow Train: Passages about Dylan *
- Milne, Larry: Hearts of Fire *
- Morgan, Bill & Rosenthal, Bob: Best Minds: A Tribute to Allen Ginsberg *
- Morse, David: Grandfather Rock *
- Morton, Brian: The Dylanist: A Novel *
- Murray, Charles Shaar: Shots From the Hip *
- Myrus, Donald: Ballads, Blues and the Big Beat: Highlights of American Folk Singing from Leadbelly to Bob Dylan *
- Nadel, Ira B: Various Positions: A Life of Leonard Cohen *
- Nash, Jesse & Flows, George: Folk Tales from the Bitter End *
- Neville, Richard: Hippie Hippie Shake: The Dreams, the Trips, the Trials, the Love-Ins, the Screw Ups, the Sixties *
- Newman, Joseph S: It Could Be Verse! *
- Noebel, David A: The Legacy of John Lennon: Charming or Harming a Generation? *
- Noebel, Rev. David A: The Marxist Minstrels: A Handbook on Communist Subversion of Music
- Noebel, Rev. David A: Rhythm, Riots and Revolution: The Communist Music Master Plan
- Nogowski, John: Descriptive, Critical Discography and Filmography: 1961-1993 *
- Nolan, A M: Rock 'n' Roll Road Trip: The Ultimate Guide to the Sites, the Shrines and the Legends Across America *
- Norman, Philip: The Road Goes on Forever
- O'Connor, Richard: Pat Garrett: The Story of the Famous Marshal and the Killer of Billy the Kid *
- Okun, Milton: Something to Sing About! The Personal Choices of America's Folk Singers *
- Palmer, Robert: Rock & Roll: An Unruly History *
- Palmer, Tony: All You Need Is Love: The Story of Popular Music *
- Parker, Kenneth Roy: Bob Dylan: Poetic Reflections on American Confusion - a
- Pattison, Robert: The Triumph of Vulgarity: Rock Music in the Mirror of Romanticism *
- Patton, R: Bob Dylan Illustrated Discography: No. 1 Pre 1975 *
- Patton, R: Bob Dylan Illustrated Discography: No. 2 Post 1975 *
- Peck, Ira: The New Sound *
- Peellaert & Cohn: Rock Dreams *
- Pennebaker, D A: Bob Dylan, Don't Look Back
- Percival, Dave: The Concert Charts *
- Percival, Dave: The Dust of Rumour: My Back Pages
- Percival, Dave: Dylan Songs: A Listing *
- Percival, Dave: Dylan Songs: A-Listin' Revisited *
- Percival, Dave: Just a Personal Tendency
- Percival, Dave: Love Plus Zero/With Limits *
- Percival, Dave: The Music of Bob Dylan: Dylan's Music Radio Series
- Percival, Dave: Some Other Tendencies
- Percival, Dave: This Wasn't Written in Tin Pan Alley
- Perkins, Carl & McGee, David: Go, Cat, Go! The Life and Times of Carl Perkins, The King of Rockabilly *
- Perry, Tim & Glinert, Ed: Rock & Roll Traveler USA *
- Pichaske, David R: Beowolf to Beatles: Approaches to Poetry
- Pichaske, David R: A Generation in Motion: Popular Music and Culture in the Sixties *
- Pichaske, David R: The Poetry of Rock
- Pickering, Stephen: Bob Dylan: Praxis Two *
- Pickering, Stephen: Bob Dylan Approximately: A Portrait of the Jewish Poet in Search of God
- Pickering, Stephen: Dylan, a Commemoration
- Pickering, Stephen: Dylan, a Commemoration, 2nd ed.
- Pickering, Stephen: Praxis One: Existence, Men and Realities
- Pickering, Stephen: Tour 74
- Pollock, Bruce: When the Music Mattered: Rock in the 1960's
- Pomarede, Michel: Early Interviews *
- Quintanilla, Luis: Dylan por Quintanilla: 12 litos
- Rawlins, Adrian: Through the Looking Glass: A Collection of Writings on Bob Dylan *
- Reed, T V: Fifteen Jugglers, Five Believers: Literary Politics and the Poetics of American Social Movements *
- Remond, Alain: Les Chemins De Bob Dylan *
- Reus, Arie De: A Listing *
- Ribakove, Sy: Folk-Rock: the Bob Dylan story
- Richardson, Susan: Bob Dylan *
- Riley, Tim: Hard Rain: a Dylan Commentary
- Rinzler, Alan: Bob Dylan: The Illustrated Record
- Risin', Mr. Mojo: My Back Pages: 1981-1991 *
- Robbin, Ed: Woody Guthrie and Me: An Intimate Reminiscence *
- Roberts, John: A.J. Weberman: Dylanologist *
- Roberts, John: Mixed Up Confusion: The Krogsgaard Companion *
- Roberts, John: Odds 'N' Ends: A Dylan Miscellany *
- Robinson, Marcel: Fingerpicking Dylan
- Rodenberg, Hans-Peter: Subversive Phantasie: Untersuchungen zur Lyrik der amerikanischen Gegenkultur 1960-1975
- Rodnitzky, Jerome L: Minstrels of the Dawn *
- Rogan, Johnny: Timeless Flight: The Definitive Biography of the Byrds *
- Roques, Dominique: The Great White Answers: The Bob Dylan Bootleg Records
- Rowley, Chris: Blood on the Tracks: The Story of Bob Dylan
- Russell, Alex: Flagging Down the Double E
- Sachar, Louis: Johnny's In the Basement *
- Sandberg, Larry & Weissman, Dick: The Folk Music Sourcebook *
- Saris, Andrew: Confessions of a Cultist: On the Cinema, 1955/1969 *
- Sarlin, Bob: Turn It Up! I Can't Hear the Words *
- Scaduto, Anthony: Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography
- Scaduto, Anthony: Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography, 2nd ed.
- Schaffner, N: The Beatles Forever *
- Scheurer, Timothy E: American Popular Music: The Age of Rock, Vol 2 *
- Schmidt, Eric von: Baby Let Me Follow You Down: The Illustrated Story of the Cambridge Folk Years
- Schmidt, Mathias R: Bob Dylans message songs der Sechziger Jahre: und die anglo-amerikanische Tradition des sozialkritischen Liedes
- Schmidt, Mathias R: Bob Dylan und die Sechziger Jahre: Aufbruch und Abkehr
- Schnack, Asger: Bob Dylan: I Goteborg *
- Schumacher, Michael: Crossroads: The Life and Music of Eric Clapton *
- Schumacher, Michael: There But For Fortune: The Life of Phil Ochs *
- Scobie, Stephen: Alias Bob Dylan
- Scobie, Stephen: Expecting Rain *
- Scobie, Stephen: Slowly Into Autumn *
- Scobie, Stephen: Under the Re(a)d Sky *
- Scobie, Stephen: Visions of Johanna
- Seloa, Aloes: Eleven Outlined Epitaphs & Off the Top of My Head *
- Selvin, Joel: Summer of Love: The Inside Story of LSD, Rock & Roll, Free Love and High Times in the Wild West *
- Shapiro, Bill: Rock & Roll Review: A Guide to Good Rock on CD *
- Shaw, Arnold: The Rock Revolution *
- Shelton, Robert: The Faces of Folk Music *
- Shelton, Robert: No Direction Home: The Life and Music of Bob Dylan, 1st ed.
- Shelton, Robert: No Direction Home: The Life and Music of Bob Dylan, 2nd ed.
- Shepard, Sam: Rolling Thunder Logbook, Limelight ed.
- Shepard, Sam: Rolling Thunder Logbook, Penquin ed.
- Shepard, Sam: Rolling Thunder Logbook, Viking ed.
- Shipper, Mark: Paperback Writer: The Life and Times of the Beatles
- Silber, Irwin et al: The Collected Reprints from Sing Out! The Folk Song Magazine, Vols 1-6, 1959-1964 *
- Silber, Irwin et al: The Collected Reprints from Sing Out! The Folk Song Magazine, Vols 7-12, 1964-1973 *
- Silesky, Barry: Ferlinghetti: The Artist in His Time *
- Skipper, John & Shorb, Kim: Classic Portraits *
- Sloman, Larry: On the Road with Bob Dylan: Rolling with the Thunder
- Smith, Joe: Off the Record: An Oral History of Popular Music
- Somogyi, Nick de: Jokerman and Thieves
- Sonne, Harly: Bob Dylan 1-2 *
- Spitz, Bob: Dylan: A Biography, UK ed.
- Spitz, Bob: Dylan: A Biography, US ed.
- Stein, Georg: Bob Dylan: Temples in Flames
- Stein, Jean: Edie: An American Biography *
- Stockum, H A: Important Words *
- Stokes, J R: Squeal: Stories, Poems & Sketches Inspired by the Art of Bob Dylan *
- Stroop, Jan & Donker, Jan: Bob Dylan *
- Styche, Geoff: A Discography of Bob Dylan *
- Szatmary, David: Rockin' in Time: A Social History of Rock-and-Roll *
- Tang, Jesper: Bob Dylan Smiler
- Thompson, Toby: Positively Main Street; An Unorthodox View of Bob Dylan
- Thomson, Elizabeth M: Conclusions on the Wall: New Essays on Bob Dylan
- Thomson, Elizabeth M: The Dylan Companion, UK ed.
- Thomson, Elizabeth M: The Dylan Companion, A Collection of Essential Writing About Bob Dylan, US ed.
- Thomson, Elizabeth & Gutman, David: The Lennon Companion: Twenty-five Years of Comment *
- Townsend, Phill: Strangers and Prophets, The CD Bootlegs of Bob Dylan, Vol 1
- Townsend, Phill: Strangers and Prophets, The CD Bootlegs of Bob Dylan, Vol 2
- Trampedach, Kurt: Bob Dylan: The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest *
- Turner, Florence: At the Chelsea: A Personal Memoir of New York's Most Famous Hotel
- Tuttle, John: Bob Dylan: In His Own Write, Personal Sketches Vol 2 *
- Tuttle, John: Bob Dylan: In His Own Write, Vol III
- Vassal, Jacques: Electric Children: Roots and Branches of Modern Folkrock *
- Vites, Paolo: All the Way Down to Italy: Bob Dylan in Italy, 1963-1991 *
- Vites, Paolo: All the Way Down to Italy: Bob Dylan in Italy, 1963-1992 *
- Vites, Paolo: Bob Dylan: Stories From a Never Ending Concert *
- Walker, Bob: Hot Wacks Book: Supplement 3 *
- Walker, Bob: Hot Wacks Book XV: The Last Wacks *
- Walker, Jerry L: Pop/Rock Lyrics 3
- Wallis, Ian: The Hawk: The Story of Ronnie Hawkins & The Hawks *
- Ward, Ed & Stokes, Geoffrey: Rock of Ages: The "Rolling Stone" History of Rock & Roll *
- Way, John B: Hungary as a Raccoon: Bob Dylan Talks to His Fans and Other Strangers *
- Weberman, Alan J: Dylanology *
- Weberman, Alan J: Keep the Fuck Outa My Goddam Garbage *
- Weberman, Alan J: My Life In Garbology *
- Weiner, Jon: Professors, Politics, and Pop
- Wexler, Jerry: Rhythm and the Blues: A Life in American Music *
- Whitfield, Stephen J: A Death in the Delta: The Story of Emmett Till
- Williams, Alan: Whaaat? The Original Playboy Interview 1965 (Nat Hentoff) *
- Williams, Christian: Bob Dylan: In His Own Words *
- Williams, Don: Bob Dylan: the Man, the Music, the Message
- Williams, Don: Bob Dylan: From "Slow Train" to "Infidels"
- Williams, Paul: Bob Dylan: Performing Artist: the Early Years, 1960-1973
- Williams, Paul: Bob Dylan: Performing Artist: the Middle Years, 1974-1986
- Williams, Paul: Common Sense: A Guide to the Present Situation *
- Williams, Paul: Dylan---- What Happened?
- Williams, Paul: Outlaw Blues
- Williams, Paul: Performing Artist: The Music of Bob Dylan; Volume One, 1960-1973
- Williams, Paul: Remember Your Essence *
- Williams, Paul: Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles
- Williams, Paul: Watching the River Flow: Observations on Bob Dylan's Art-in-Progress, 1966-1995
- Williams, Paul: What Happened? One Year Later *
- Williams, Richard: Dylan: a Man Called Alias
- Willie, Frank Jester: Got to Play Your Harp Until Your Lips Bleed *
- Willis, Ellen: Beginning to See the Light: Sex, Hope and Rock-and-Roll *
- Wilson, Keith: Bob Dylan: A Listing *
- Wissolik, Richard David: Bob Dylan, American Poet and Singer
- Wissolik, Richard David: Bob Dylan's Words: A Critical Dictionary and Commentary, Vol 1
- Witting, Robin: The Cracked Bells: A Guide to Tarantula *
- Witting, Robin: Isaiah on Guitar: A Guide to John Wesley Harding *
- Witting, Robin: Orpheus Revisited: A Celebration of Highway 61 Revisited *
- Witts, Richard: Nico: The Life & Lies of an Icon *
- Wolfe, Charles & Lornell, Kip: The Life & Legend of Leadbelly *
- Woliver, Robbie: Bringing It All Back Home
- Woliver, Robbie: Hoot! A 25-Year History of the Greenwich Village Music Scene
- Wolman, Baron: Like a Rolling Stone: Early Rock-Photography from San Francisco *
- Woodward, Fred: Rolling Stone: Images of Rock & Roll *
- Woodward, Ian: Bob Dylan: Back of the Tapestry
- Woodward, Ian: Minutes Into Hours *
- Woodward, Ian: Occasionally *
- Woodward. Ian: The Wicked Messenger *
- Worrell, Denise: Icons: Intimate Portraits
- Wurlitzer, Rudolph: Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid *
- Wyvill, Mike & Wraith, John: Down the Highway: Bob Dylan's 1993 Concerts *
- Wyvill, Mike & Wraith, John: From Town to Town: Bob Dylan's 1994 Concerts *
- Wyvill, Mike & Wraith, John: Heading for Another Joint: Bob Dylan's 1992 Concerts *
- Wyvill, Mike & Wraith, John: The Road Unwinds: Bob Dylan's 1990 Concerts *
- Wyvill, Mike & Wraith, John: Still On the Road: Bob Dylan's 1991 Concerts *
- Yenne, Bill: One Foot on the Highway: Bob Dylan on Tour, 1974
- Zollo, Paul: Songwriters on Songwriting *
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Last updated: 3/26/99
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