- Damsker, Matt: Rock Voices: The Best Lyrics of an Era
- Davis, Clive: Clive: Inside the Record Business
- Day, Aidan:
- Denisoff, R. Serge: Great Day Coming: Folk Music and the American Left
- Dick, Arthur: The Complete Guitar Player: Bob Dylan Songbook
- Diddle, Gavin: Images and Assorted Facts
- Dorman, James E: Recorded Dylan: A Critical Review and Discography
- Dowley, Tim: Bob Dylan: From a Hard Rain to a Slow Train
- Draper, Robert: Rolling Stone Magazine: The Uncensored History
- Dreau, Jean-Louis & Schlockoff, Robert: Hypnotist Collectors: An International Illustrated Discography
- Dundas, Glen:
- Dunn, Tim: I Just Write 'Em As They Come: An Annotated Guide to the Writings of Bob Dylan
- Dylan, Bob:
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Last updated: 5/5/97
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