- Hammond, John: John Hammond on Record: An Autobiography
- Hampton, Wayne: Guerrilla minstrels: John Lennon, Joe Hill, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan
- Harloff, Steven: Bob Dylan and the Culture of the Sixties - a
- Haver, Fritz Werner: Bob Dylans Surrealistische Songpoesie
- Helm, Levon: This Wheel's on Fire: Levon Helm and the Story of the Band
- Herdman, John:
- Heylin, Clinton:
- Hickerson, Joseph Charles: Bob Dylan: A Select Bibliography
- Hinchley, John: Bob Dylan's Slow Train: Wanted Man Study Series 1
- Hoggard, Stuart: Bob Dylan: An Illustrated Discography
- Hood, Phil: Artists of American Folk Music: The Legends of Traditional Folk, the Stars of the Sixties, the Virtuosi of New Acoustic Music
- Hoskyns, Barney: Across the Great Divide: The Band and America
- Humphries, Patrick:
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Last updated: 7/26/97
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