Academic Works
"The man standin' next to me, his head was exploding,
Well, I was prayin' the pieces wouldn't fall on me."
-- Bob Dylan 1970 --
- Ball, Carolyn Denise: Bob Dylan: Contemporary Minstrel
Thesis (M.A.) - University of Maryland, 1967; 173 pgs.
- Bastian, Kenneth Harlan: An Appreciation of Bob Dylan: Romantic Voice of the Sixties
Thesis (B.A.) - Tulane University, 1973; 125 pgs.
- Bliss, Carolyn Jane: Younger Now: Bob Dylan's Changing World and Vision
Thesis (M.A.) - University of Utah, 1972; 164 pgs, with 9 page bibliography.
- Bowden, Elizabeth Ann: Performed Literature: Words and Music by Bob Dylan
Thesis (Ph.D., English) - University of California, Berkeley, 1978; 405 pgs, with bibliographical references.
- Courtney, R. K: Desolation Row: Paintings and Collages
Thesis, 1971.
- Cusic, Don: The Poet as Performer
Thesis & then Dissertation, 1991; 127 pgs.
- Daley, Michael J: One Who Sings With His Tongue On Fire: Change, Continuity and Meaning in the Early Vocal Style of Bob Dylan, 1960-66
Thesis (M.A., Ethnomusicology and Musicology) - York University, January 1997.
- Daley, Michael J: Speech Intonation and Vocal Performance: Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone
Paper given at Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, November 3, 1996.
- Davis, James L: Bob Dylan and American Culture
Thesis (Honors, History) - University of Rochester, 1997; 32 pgs, with 2 page bibliography.
- Droese, Douglas: Corroborative Confrontation; the Vietnamese War and the Civil Rights Movement as Reflected in the Lyrics of Bob Dylan
Thesis (M.A., History) - San Jose State University, 1975; 129 pgs, with 7 page bibliography.
- Fuller, Theodore E: Bob Dylan's The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan as a Reflection of American Society in 1963
Thesis (M.M.) - University of Florida, 1993; 76 pgs, with 5 page bibliography.
- Gans, Terry Alexander: Bob Dylan: More Than a Protest Singer
Thesis (M.A., History) - Miami University, 1970; 157 pgs.
- Hampton, C. Wayne: Working Class Heroes: Counter-Cultural Politics and the Singing Hero in Twentieth Century America
Thesis (Ph.D., Political Science) - University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1983.
- Harloff, Steven: Bob Dylan and the Culture of the Sixties
Thesis (M.A.) - Bowling Green State University, 1990; 87 pgs, with 6 page bibliography.
- Hattenhauer, Darryl Clyde: Bob Dylan and the Hero Archetype: a
Prolegomenon Toward a Jungian Psychohistory
Thesis (M.A., History) - California State University, Sacramento, 1977; 60 pgs.
- Haver, Fritz Werner: Bob Dylans surrealistische Songpoesie
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Marburg, Germany, 1986.
- Haynes, Donald James: Bob Dylan and Protest Music in the 1960s
Thesis (M.A., History) - University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 1976; 65 pgs, with 3 page bibliography.
- Hinchliffe, David G: Bob Dylan and the "New Left": a Case Study of a Protest Singer's Role in Influencing the Listeners' Attitudes, Values and Beliefs
Thesis (M.S.) - State University College at Brockport, 1974; 106 pgs, with 6 page bibliography.
- King, William E: Bob Dylan: The Artist in the Marketplace
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975; 171 pgs, with 11 page bibliography & 2 page discography.
- Koheil, Susanne: Bob Dylans Hollywood
Thesis (Doctoral) - Philipps-Universitat Marburg, 1994; 191 pgs, with 12 page bibliography, 3 page discography & 12 page filmography.
- Ledeen, Jenny: Prophecy in the Christian Era
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Washington University, 1995; 267 pgs, with bibliographical references.
- Lewis, H. C. S: Personae in Bob Dylan's Narrative Poetry: a Study in Change and Development
Thesis, 1983.
- Loev, Robert M: Bob Dylan, Shelley's "Unacknowledged Legislator":
a Study of Activist Poetry
Thesis (M.A.) - University of New Orleans, 1979; 66 pgs, with 6 page bibliography.
- McAninch, Jerry Burford: Development of Theme and Style in the Poetry of Bob Dylan
Thesis (M.A.) - University of South Carolina, 1972; 173 pgs, with 3 page bibliography.
- McDonough, John William: Bob Dylan, the Romantic Sensibility in the
Modern Cauldron
Thesis (M.A.) - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1968; 137 pgs.
- Medcalf, Lawrence Donald: "But I'll Know My Song Well Before I Start Singin": the Rhetoric of Bob Dylan, 1963-1966
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, 1979, 177 pgs.
- Messer, Marshall Ellis: Unquiet Graves: the Influence of the Ballads on the Songs of Bob Dylan
Thesis (M. A., English) - City College of New York, 1981; 91 pgs, with 4 page bibliography.
- O'Keefe, James H: Bob Dylan: His Role in the Social Protest Movement of the 1960's
Thesis (Senior honors program) - University of North Dakota, 1978; 58 pgs, with 3 page bibliography.
- Parker, Kenneth Roy: Bob Dylan: Poetic Reflections on American Confusion
Thesis (M.A.) - San Francisco State University, 1976; 106 pgs, with 1 page bibliography.
- Pasquariello, Lisa E: Big Ideas, Images, and Distorted Facts:
Three Approaches to the Lyrics of Bob Dylan
Honors paper - Duke University, 1996; 115 pgs, with 2 page bibliography.
- Schmidt, Mathias R: Bob Dylans "message songs" der Sechziger Jahre and die anglo-amerikanische Tradition des sozialkritischen Liedes
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Marburg, Germany, 1982.
- Schneider, Daniel: Drifter's Escape: the Career and Artistic Progress of Bob Dylan
Thesis (Senior Honors) - Brandeis University, 1982; 260 pgs.
- Shortlidge, J. L: See the Man With Stage Fright
Thesis, 1977.
- Snow, Craig Robert: Folksinger and Beat Poet: the Prophetic Vision of Bob Dylan
Thesis (Ph. D.) - Purdue University, 1987; 311 pgs, with 14 page bibliography.
- Viser, Victor J: Commodified Rhetoric in the Creation of the Celebrity Persona:
Bob Dylan in Dont Look Back
Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association in Washington, DC, May 28, 1993; 15 pgs, with 1 page bibliography.
- White, M. B: "When I Paint My Masterpiece": the Rolling Thunder Revue, Renaldo and Clara, and Bob Dylan's Personal Transformative Process
Thesis, 1994.
- Wilcox, Janelle M: Critical Analyses of Bob Dylan's Poetry: An Annotated Bibliography of Scholarly Criticism from 1965-1988
Journal article, Bulletin of Bibliography, Vol 46, No. 1.
"Pneumonia ceilings, pneumonia floors
Daddy ain't gonna take it no more."
-- 'Dylan/McCartney' 1966 --
Memorabilia & Collecting
"This term nostalgic, it's just another way people have of dealing with you and putting you some place they think they understand.
It's just another label."
-- Bob Dylan 1984 --
- Dreau, Jean-Louis & Schlockoff, Robert: Hypnotist Collectors: An International Illustrated Discography
- Heylin, Clinton: Bootleg: The Secret History of the Other Recording Industry
- Turner, Florence: At the Chelsea: A Personal Memoir of New York's Most Famous Hotel
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