Title: A Death in the Delta: The Story of Emmett Till

New York: The Free Press 1988

Description: 193 p., 11 photographs, 24 cm.

Notes: A history professor at Brandeis University chronicles the lynching of 14 yr old Emmett Till in 1955, the ensuing trial, and the case's importance in mobilizing opposition to segregation in America. The book explores the history of lynching in the deep South, in his look at the racist roots of the Till murder. The book includes a discussion of Dylan's song about the incident, The Death of Emmitt Till. See the RMD discussion of this part of the book for more details. The appendices include 26 pgs of notes, a 13 pg bibliography on racism and the civil rights movement in America, and an index.

Subjects: History of racism in America; Emmett Till, 1941-1955

ISBN: 0-02-935121-9 HB

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===========================  Thanks Bob!  =============================

Last updated: 12/3/95
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