Title: Bob Dylan, American Poet and Singer: an annotated bibliography and study guide of sources and background materials, 1961-1991: with a supplemental checklist of studies on the 1960s and
the folk revival.
Introductory remarks by Will Stubbs and John Calderone, George Leiner; illustrations by Scott McGrath and Vaughan Taylor. Limited 1st ed. Greensburg, PA, USA: Eadmer Press, c1991. Revised electronic edition, 1995.
Description: xxi, 97 p.: ill.; 24 cm.
Notes: Series: Scholars' bibliography series #2. A very extensive annotated Dylan bibliography, listing books plus articles from magazines and newspapers. Has an additional 12 pg
listing of background materials on the folk music era. The 13 pg index is helpful in finding relevant sources. Uses a lot of abbreviations, which saves space, but the occasional user may find that
he is constantly having to look these up. Limited ed. of 400 copies.
The electronic edition contains over 2300 entries, alphabetical by author, with the folk music entries no longer in a separate section. This edition has a number of supplementary listings of related materials, on the following subjects:
- Rock N' Roll Criticism
- Biographical Reference Works
- Music Encyclopedias
- Discographies
- Rock Facts & Trivia
- Rock Biographies
- Popular Music Overviews
- Rock N' Roll Histories
- Black Music Histories
- Popular & Academic Anthologies
- Popular & Academic Monographs
The number of listings is quite impressive, but the sheer volume makes it more useful to the completist, rather than the casual fan. Many entries include annotations detailing specifics about what the works contain, but others contain no
information about whether the work contains Dylan material, or is only indirectly related to Dylan, and in what way. This makes it difficult to evaluate the importance or relevance of many of the items listed. The subject index in the book version is
omitted from the electronic version. The user can do a keyword search, but can no longer browse the index for things of interest.
Subjects: Dylan, Bob, 1941-; Bibliography. Folk music -- United States -- History and criticism
ISBN: 0-929914-01-5 hb; 1995 electronic ed: ISBN 0929914-15-5; LC 95-5049 $29.95 (PC or MAC)
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Last updated: 6/8/96
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