"... there's no end t it an it's so big that
everytime I see it it's like seein for the first."

-- Bob Dylan 1963 --


"I was eighteen or so when I discovered Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Philip Whalen, Frank O'Hara and those guys. Then I went back and started reading the French guys, Rimbaud and Francois Villon."
-- Bob Dylan 1985 --


"You always know who you are.
I just don't know who I'm gonna become."

-- Bob Dylan 1987 --

Concordances & Dictionaries

"It happened that maybe those were the words I could find
to separate aliveness from deadness.
It had nothing to do with age."

-- Bob Dylan 1964 --


"I guess catastrophe and confusion are the basis of my songs.
But basically my songs are really about love. Love of life."

-- Bob Dylan 1965 --


"The movie creates and holds time. That's what it should do.
It should hold that time, breathe in that time and stop time in doing that."

-- Bob Dylan 1978 --

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===========================  Thanks Bob!  =============================

Last updated: 7/26/97
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© Copyright 1995-97 by Ron Chester
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