"I'm only Bob Dylan when I have to be Bob Dylan.
Most of the time I'm just myself."
-- Bob Dylan 1986 --
Analysis & Review
"I always thought that one man, the one balladeer with guitar,
could blow an entire army off the stage,
if he knew what he was doing."
-- Bob Dylan 1985 --
- General
- Anderson, Dennis: The Hollow Horn: Bob Dylan's Reception in the United States and Germany
- Beal, Kathleen: Bob Dylan
- Bowden, Betsy: Performed Literature: Words and Music by Bob Dylan, 1978
- Bowden, Betsy: Performed Literature: Words and Music by Bob Dylan, 1982
- Cartwright, Bert: The Bible in the Lyrics of Bob Dylan
- Cesar, Ligia Vieira: Poesia e Politica nas Cancoes de Bob Dylan e Chico Buarque
- Day, Aidan: Jokerman: Reading the Lyrics of Bob Dylan
- Dowley, Tim: Bob Dylan: From a Hard Rain to a Slow Train
- Gray, Michael: Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, UK 1972
- Gray, Michael: Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, US 1972
- Gray, Michael: Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, 1981
- Haver, Fritz Werner: Bob Dylans Surrealistische Songpoesie
- Herdman, John: Voice Without Restraint: A Study of Bob Dylan's Lyrics and their Background, UK
- Herdman, John: Voice Without Restraint: A Study of Bob Dylan's Lyrics and their Background, US
- Mellers, Wilfrid Howard: A Darker Shade of Pale: a Backdrop to Bob Dylan, Faber ed.
- Mellers, Wilfrid Howard: A Darker Shade of Pale: a Backdrop to Bob Dylan, Oxford ed.
- Pichaske, David R: The Poetry of Rock
- Rodenberg, Hans-Peter: Subversive Phantasie: Untersuchungen zur Lyrik der amerikanischen Gegenkultur 1960-1975
- Scobie, Stephen: Alias Bob Dylan
- Williams, Paul: Bob Dylan: Performing Artist: the Early Years, 1960-1973
- Williams, Paul: Bob Dylan: Performing Artist: the Middle Years, 1974-1986
- Williams, Paul: Outlaw Blues
- Williams, Paul: Performing Artist: The Music of Bob Dylan; Volume One, 1960-1973
- Williams, Paul: Watching the River Flow: Observations on Bob Dylan's Art-in-Progress, 1966-1995
- Specific albums/books/songs/tours
- Bauldie, John: Bob Dylan & Desire
- Breskin, David: We Are the World
- Cooper, Chris: The Circus is in Town
- Damsker, Matt: Rock Voices: The Best Lyrics of an Era
- Dorman, James E: Recorded Dylan: A Critical Review and Discography
- Goldstein, Richard: The Poetry of Rock
- Heylin, Clinton: Bob Dylan: The Recording Sessions 1960-1994
- Hinchley, John: Bob Dylan's Slow Train: Wanted Man Study Series 1
- Jansen, Gerhard: Pressing On
- Jansen, Gerhard: Shot of Love
- Jansen, Gerhard: Slow Train Coming
- Karpel, Craig: The Tarantula in Me: A Review of a Title
- Percival, Dave: Just a Personal Tendency
- Pickering, Stephen: Tour 74
- Rinzler, Alan: Bob Dylan: The Illustrated Record
- Scobie, Stephen: Visions of Johanna
- Tang, Jesper: Bob Dylan Smiler
- Whitfield, Stephen J: A Death in the Delta: The Story of Emmett Till
- Williams, Paul: Outlaw Blues
- Woodward, Ian: Bob Dylan: Back of the Tapestry
- Yenne, Bill: One Foot on the Highway: Bob Dylan on Tour, 1974
- Other website: Dylan Influences: discusses Dylan songs that are based to varying degrees on earlier, mostly traditional, songs.
- Other website: Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan: Poetry and the Popular Song; Alphabet No.17, Dec 1969
Collections of Articles & Essays
"Someone's got it in for me,
they're planting stories in the press
Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out
but when they will I can only guess."
-- Bob Dylan 1974 --
- Bauldie, John: Wanted Man: In Search of Bob Dylan
- Gray, Michael: All Across the Telegraph: A Bob Dylan Handbook
- Heylin, Clinton: The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing
- Lesser, Wendy: Hiding in Plain Sight: Essays in Criticism and Autobiography
- McGregor, Craig: Bob Dylan; a Retrospective, 1972
- McGregor, Craig: Bob Dylan; a Retrospective, 1973
- McGregor, Craig: Bob Dylan: The Early Years: a Retrospective, 1990
- Norman, Philip: The Road Goes on Forever
- Percival, Dave: The Dust of Rumour: My Back Pages
- Percival, Dave: Some Other Tendencies
- Pickering, Stephen: Dylan, a Commemoration
- Pickering, Stephen: Dylan, a Commemoration, 2nd ed.
- Thomson, Elizabeth M: The Dylan Companion, UK ed.
- Thomson, Elizabeth M: The Dylan Companion, A Collection of Essential Writing About Bob Dylan, US ed.
- Thomson, Elizabeth M: Conclusions on the Wall: New Essays on Bob Dylan
- Williams, Paul: Watching the River Flow: Observations on Bob Dylan's Art-in-Progress, 1966-1995
- Other website: 20 lbs. of Headlines: Bibliography of magazine articles about Dylan.
"Like a Rolling Stone changed it all. It was something that I myself could dig. It's very tiring having other people tell you how much they dig you if you yourself don't dig you."
-- Bob Dylan 1965 --
Fanzines devoted exclusively to Dylan:
- Any Day Now, France, Issues #1-10, plus 3 special issues, out of print
- Bob Dylan Newsletter, out of print
- Changin': The Dylan Magazine, US, Issues #1-10, out of print
- Desolation Row, out of print
- Dignity, UK
Desolation Row Promotions, 57 Tempsford, Welwyn Garden City, Herts., AL7 2PA
Six issues/yr, pounds sterling: 17.94 UK, 23.94 Europe, 29.94 US
- Dylan, Germany, out of print
- Endless Road, out of print
- The Famous Etiquette Book, UK
P. O. Box 2935, Solihull, West Midlands B91 2LQ
5 issues for 5 pounds sterling
- Fourth Time Around, UK, out of print
- Freewheelin', out of print
- Homer the Slut, out of print

Isis, Dylan News, UK
P. O. Box 132, Coventry, West Midlands CV3 5RE
- Isis Revisited Magazine, out of print
- Look Back, out of print
- Occasionally, out of print
- On the Tracks, The Unauthorized Bob Dylan Magazine, US
Rolling Tomes Inc, P. O. Box 1943, Grand Junction, CO 81502
(970) 245-4315 voice; (970) 243-8025 FAX
Three issues/yr plus mail order catalog, $24.95/yr US, higher elsewhere
- Rolling Thunder: The Italian Bob Dylan Fanzine, Italy
Three issues/yr, $12 each
- The Rolling Telegraph Supplement, out of print
- Series of Dreams, US
Rolling Tomes Inc, P. O. Box 1943, Grand Junction, CO 81502
(970) 245-4315 voice; (970) 243-8025 FAX
Monthly, $15/yr US, higher elsewhere
- Talkin' Bob Dylan Blues, out of print
- (Talkin' Bob) Zimmerman Blues: A Dylan Magazine, US, out of print

Wanted Man, P. O. Box 307, Richmond, Surrey, England TW10 5AQ
3 issues/year, but no longer being published.
There is a website dedicated to the memory of its editor, John Bauldie, including:
- A Concise History of The Telegraph
- Contents of All the Issues
- The Anthologies of Past Issues
- Other Wanted Man Publications
- Statistics on Where Its Subscribers Lived
- Did Dylan Subscribe?
- And articles from previous issues:
- Telegraph 40: Ten Years of the Telegraph: Major Retrospective Assessment
- Telegraph 41: Some Aspects of Tarantula
- Telegraph 42: Christopher Ricks on The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
- Telegraph 43: Thoughts On The Basement Tapes
- Telegraph 44: The Death Of Emmett Till: The Song & The Story
- Telegraph 45: Why Not Read a Typical Set of Letters
- Telegraph 46: Diary of a Bobcat
- Telegraph 48: The Story of Dink's Song
- Telegraph 50: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary FAX to Q Magazine
- Telegraph 51: The A.J. Weberman Story (plus short interview)
- Telegraph 52, 53 & 55: Bob Dylan: The Recording Sessions: Michael Krogsgaard's officially sanctioned definitive listings of Dylan studio recordings.
| Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Anthologies of the best of this fanzine:
These present (edited) versions of some of the best articles in The Telegraph. But the magazines are more appealing, as they have many more photographs of Dylan; many of them unusual, and often in excellent color reproduction.
- The Wicked Messenger, UK
Ian Woodward's newsletter; begun separately, then included in The Telegraph, followed by Look Back, and now included in Isis.
- Who Threw the Glass, Australia
Email to Shane Youl at: sfy@mel.dit.CSIRO.AU
Quarterly, AUS$12/yr
Other collector/fan publications, often containing Dylan material:
- Broadside
- Crawdaddy! Magazine, out of print
- Crawdaddy! Newsletter

Goldmine, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990-0001
(715) 445-2214 voice; (715) 445-4087 FAX
Twice monthly, $39.95/yr
Lots of dealers advertising rare vinyl, CD's, and video

Hot Wacks, P. O. Box #544, Dept W, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5R1, CANADA
Information and articles about bootleg recordings
- Ice, US
P. O. Box 3043, Santa Monica, CA 90408
Monthly, $30/yr US, $40/yr elsewhere
- Record Collector
- Rolling Stone Magazine
- Taper's Quarterly, US
LAVA, 1726 Sacramento St., San Francisco, CA 94109-3643
Quarterly, $10/yr
Email to:
- Why a Pig? The Forum for Underground CD's, UK
P. O. Box 3239, London SW6
Four issues for 10 pounds sterling UK, 12 pounds Europe, $15 US sea, $20 US air
"Nobody else gives those songs life. It's up to me to do it.
I live like a poet and I'll die like a poet."
-- Bob Dylan 1978 --
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Last updated: 5/23/99
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© Copyright 1995-99 by Ron Chester
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